Should You Install a Subpanel in Your House?


A subpanel is a great way to add more electrical outlets to your home without having to do any major renovations. If you are considering installing a subpanel in your house, there are a few things you should keep in mind. In this post, we will discuss the benefits of having a subpanel and provide some tips on how to install one yourself!

What is a Subpanel?


A subpanel is a secondary electrical panel that is installed in your home. It is typically used to provide additional outlets or circuits for appliances and electronics. A subpanel adds more electrical outlets to your home without having to do any major renovations.


Subpanel Installation For Homes


Subpanels offer the ease of reducing circuit wiring runs by centrally situating the panel, which also reduces voltage drop which would occur with smaller wires over large distances. You can see the benefit of sending a bigger set of panel feeder wires to the location where power distribution is required rather than running many cables across vast distances.

There are a few things to keep in mind when installing a subpanel. First, you will need to determine the amperage of the subpanel. The amperage is the amount of electrical current that the panel can handle. Second, you will need to choose the right location for the panel. It is important to install the panel in a location that will not be subject to flooding or other damage. Finally, you will need to install the panel according to the manufacturer’s instructions.


Difference Between Main Panel and Subpanel


SubpanelThe main panel is the primary power source for your home, while a subpanel is secondary. The main panel is typically located near the electrical meter, and the subpanel is usually located in a more convenient location within the home. The main panel distributes power to the subpanel, which then distributes power to the circuits in your home.

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