Electrical Panel
Panel Upgrades in London, Ontario
Panel upgrades become a necessary part of electrical maintenance. As buildings age, they lose their capacity to handle the increased demand from new generations of appliances, higher numbers of electronic devices, and additions or renovations. For the safety of you, your family, and your building, don’t make do with an old panel. If your property, business, or industrial site needs more circuits to handle the load, it’s time for a panel upgrade from J.D. Patrick Electric Inc.!
Electrical Panel Upgrade Services
An electrical system needs a main panel to break up the power supply of 100 amps or larger down to branch circuits. However, old main panels are often low quality, with limited availability for additional circuits; they can also rely on fuses, which some insurance carriers won’t cover. Older equipment and wiring systems often overload and double up circuits when connected to outdated fuse panels. It’s the result of improper installations that haven’t been inspected properly.
An electrical panel upgrade can increase your property’s resale value, help it get insured, and so much more. Our upgrade services will reduce the chance of an electrical fire, eliminate doubled-up circuits and the need to replace fuses. They can increase the capacity so that we can add additional circuits and increase ampacity to give you more power. A licensed electrical contractor from J.D Patrick Electric Inc. can provide the best electrical panel upgrade services in London, Ontario, or nearby areas. Submit an online form or contact us by phone.
Electrical Panel Upgrades in London & Southwestern Ontario
An electrical system needs a main panel to break up the power supply of 100 amps or larger down to branch circuits. However, old main panels are often low quality, with limited availability for additional circuits; they can also rely on fuses, which some insurance carriers won’t cover. J.D. Patrick Electric Inc. can perform a panel upgrade to increase the capacity of the existing electrical systems.
Our panel upgrade services are designed to be as unobtrusive as possible: we handle all required administration and scheduling, disconnect the power while doing the work, and restore once the job is finished. The licensed electricians at J.D. Patrick Electric Inc. only use panels from top manufacturers when changing out or upgrading your system.
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